Spawning actor in levelblueprint; culling issues

Hi there,

Basicly I need help. Maybe it is a bug, maybe I’m doing something horrible wrong, can’t really tell.

My goal is to let the levelblueprint spawn actors at level startup. And let those actors be culled at a certain distance. When I place my actors manually they get culled, when I spawn them they don’t.

For the purpose of this repport I tried to recreate this phenomenon. I opened a brand new project ( engine 4.5.0 - extreme settings) with a new map, made a BP (BP_RandomObjects) which holds nothing more then a static mesh cube (S_Block) (which was created from a cube bsp) and has a very basic white material.

I place one actor manually in the level and one I spawn with the use of the following code:

Next I constructed a cull distance volume and gave it the following parameters:

I build the project and run it in a standalone environment.

The result is that:

  1. I get a warning message in screen (“lightning needs to be rebuild”) ( even when i just buid it 1 sec ago)

  2. when i’'m closeby i see both objects (this is what I want)

  3. but when i move away only one dissapears

  4. additionally (but not the main problem here): The shadow of the object that i manually dragged and dropped into the level is horribly wrong

I don’t understand it and hope my issue can be fixed!

Thank you in advance :wink:


First off, Thank you for the detailed setup and clearly representing how to reproduce. Setups like this are great at being able to reproduce and get this submitted!

I was able to clearly see the issue happening with the Blueprint in the cull distance volume. I’ve submitted a bug report for this (UE - 5467). Once a fix is in I will test and verify so that I can update this post accordingly.

In the mean time as a work around you can manually set the cull distance for objects by using the Min and Max cull distance. Using this doesn’t require using a cull distance volume.

Thank you for your detailed report!


when will this be fixed? my spawned actor still suffer from this bug

Actually, this “bug” was closed a long while back. Cull Distance Volumes are only use static objects in the scene and do not work with spawned dynamic/movable objects. So this isn’t a bug with Culling here.

If you need to have your actor culled you can set the Min/Max Draw Distance for the object in your Blueprint so that it is only visible when you are within those distances.

Apologies that I didn’t update this post here.