Mspdb120.dll is missing error

Excuse me if my terminology is bad, I’m quite new to unreal.

I’m trying to compile the engine for a C++ project but each time I try I keep getting an error that says I’m missing mspdb120.dll

I’ve searched everywhere on the internets and all I could find was “Reinstall windows”, which I’d rather not. Is there any other way to fix this? Is there a place where I can download the dll manually and install it manually?

I’m using 64bit and VS12.

Make sure you downloaded the Required files for compiling.

The links your posted are broken. :frowning:

Ok, try accessing them directly from the GitHub page.

You will need to log in to see this!

The required files are under Getting Up And Running.

Hi again. I still have this problem. So far I’ve been just using blueprints to fix my problems, but I seriously need the freedom of C++…
I can’t download anything from the links posted.
All I get is 404’s…

Also… This isn’t really helping:

Hi sillydan,

The file mspdb120.dll is part of Visual Studio 2013. If you perform a search for it in your Visual Studio installation location, you should find two versions of the file, one in ..\VC\bin and one in ..\VC\bin\amd64.

The image that you showed from the EpicGames Organization on GitHub seems to indicate that your Unreal Engine 4 account and your GitHub account are not correctly linked (or you are not logged into your GitHub account, which would be the easiest thing to check). Take a look at this wiki page and make sure you have correctly linked your UE4 and GitHub accounts (the link will take you to the appropriate section of the page for this step).

I downloaded the sourcecode. All the dependencies… Fixed all build errors and the mspdb120.dll is in the correct place.

I still get this error:

Nevermind… I fixed it by deleting the one in my x86_amd64 folder. Then it created the right version by itself

Nevermind the nevermind… I got the engine compiled and all… But I still get the mspdb120.dll is missing error…
It comes up when I try to recompile any C++ project.

I’ve had this problem for quite a while now. It sucks :frowning:

Could you please download this file and place it on your desktop. Remove the .txt extension and run the file. It will create a new info.txt file on your desktop. If you could upload that here, it may give some clues to what is happening.

What version of Visual Studio 2013 are you using?

I’m using VS Express 2013 for Desktop on a 64bit ultimate system

The batch file doesnt work?? It doesnt output anything on my end

Okay… For some reason it generated it in my System32 folder instead?.. Probably because of administator rights or something

Anyways… Here it is: file

Sorry for seeming pushy… But I’d like to have the ability to work on my game… Did the file help any?

I apologize for the delay. The information in the file you provided looks like it is ok. I have a few extra files showing in my version of the file, but that may be because I have the Professional version installed.

There is very little information available about mspdb120.dll. The only remedies I have been able to turn up were in relation to files used by older versions of Visual Studio, though they may still work with VS 2013.

  • Run vcvars64.bat located in ..\Microsoft Visual Studio 12.0\VC\bin\amd64. You might also try running vcvars32.bat located in ..\Microsoft Visual Studio 12.0\VC\bin just to make sure both versions of the file are correct.
  • Repair/re-install Visual Studio.

We also have had one UE4 user who saw this same error message several months ago who was able to resolve the issue by re-installing Windows. However, this isn’t a step that I would recommend unless absolutely nothing else is helping.

If you try re-installing Visual Studio, have you considered upgrading to the Community version? This is essentially the Professional version, but free if you meet the restrictions for its use.

Hi sillydan,

I just wanted to check in and see if any of the suggestions I was able to find regarding mspdb120.dll were helpful for you. Are you still receiving the same error message?

Installing the community version fixed almost everything. I still can’t compile the engine or any project for that matter without manually setting the VC++ Directories Everytime I create a new project.
I can’t compile code in-editor either, which sucks a bit… but that is solved by recompiling the project in visual studio.
But I can code and build games now! I don’t get the stupid “dll is missing” error!

Thanks for the support! You have been extremely helpful!