documentation learning path

The documentation for unreal engine has grown by leaps and bounds. This is great! Sort of…

There is now so much documentation that it can become difficult to parse it all. One thing that would be great is if a couple people from the dev team and a couple people from the docs team could get together and generate a learning path for the docs. Some people prefer to read documentation instead of watching videos.

Documentation to me doesn’t have to be linear, but I like to have that option. Ex: A documentation tutorial that teaches me how to setup an entire first person game, start to finish, and maybe a couple others.

One of the nice things about this approach is that it re-uses the same documentation pages for every tutorial set. It would be just like setting up class material and assignments. I can use the tools just fine. Knowing what order to learn them in… Well… You don’t know what you don’t know.

This kind of system would help me tremendously.


Wow. The documentation sure has changed allot since I first picked up the engine. Everything is no longer nested under the editor. There is now a wealth of information for getting started, that I’ve kind of passed over. I’ll have to try to read that stuff again, to see what I can learn form it. For the time being, it is safe ot ignore this thread. I’ll re-open it down the road if it becomes relevant for some reason.
