How do I rotate a character to match the ramp angle they are walking on?

I’ve been trying to rotate the character whenever he is walking in an inclined plane, but no success yet. No idea what is the better method to do it in BP.

If anyone know a way to do this, will help a lot,


EDIT: My other answer wasn’t thought out.

Try making a trigger area that sets your character’s rotation.

Tnx for the answer, but I don’t know how to get this angle.
I’ll be trying here.

that won’t work if the player stops for any rason or start to walk back.

Basically, you need to do a trace from the character’s mid section to the ground to determine the plane he is walking on. The trace will return the normal of the surface and you can rotate your pawn based on that.

Basically, you need to do a trace from the character’s mid section to the ground to determine the plane he is walking on. The trace will return the normal of the surface and you can rotate your pawn based on that.

I have tryed this befor whitout succes, … as the normal aways point up nothing really happens.

perhaps you can help understand where I’m wrong.

You need to convert it to rotation. The normal is a directional normalized vector.

woooww that way better! thanks man.
but I sitill have a minor problem here.

it does not follow when I’m walking back…

I,ve solve this whith a boolean, in any case of someone with the same problem.
the boolean Dir check if the character is moving right or not.

thanks a lot Rimmy D