[Unresolved Symbol] UPrimitiveComponent::ReceiveComponentDamage

1> Creating library E:\RocketVictory\VictoryGame\Intermediate/BuildData/VictoryGame\Win64\Development\RocketEditor-VictoryGame.lib and object E:\RocketVictory\VictoryGame\Intermediate/BuildData/VictoryGame\Win64\Development\RocketEditor-VictoryGame.exp
1>VictoryWall.cpp.obj : error LNK2001: unresolved external symbol “public: virtual void __cdecl AVictoryWall::ReceiveComponentDamage(float,struct FDamageEvent const &,class AController *,class AActor *)” (?ReceiveComponentDamage@AVictoryWall@@UEAAXMAEBUFDamageEvent@@PEAVAController@@PEAVAActor@@@Z)

ReceiveComponentDamage is a virtual on UPrimitiveComponent, I’m a bit confused why you are trying to override it on an Actor subclass (AVictoryWall).

yes you are correct James, this is not what I really needed

by the way nice to hear from you!

I posted this while trying to find the correct Apex damaging functions, but I since found them, you can freely disregard this thread at this point,

I was really looking for UDestructibleComponent::ApplyDamage() and ApplyDamageRadius()


Hi Rama,

Thank you for your report. I have submitted your request to our database and a developer has been assigned.

