Lighting is broken

I am trying to use foliage to put some simple grass into my level, but I’ve run into a major problem with lighting. Half of the grass is completely lit when there is no light on it at all, while the rest behaves as it should.

Here’s an example image: the grass on the left is completely lit, while the grass on the right is lit based on the nearby point light.

I have tried removing all of the lights from the level and rebuilding the scene, but I have the same results: half of the grass receives no light at all, while the other half is completely lit as if it were emissive. This is all one object, created by foliage painting.

It looks like an issue with the normals of that grass mesh. You get better result of every surface’s normals look up.

@Jacky How can I fix that? I’m relatively new to Unreal here.

It’s not something you can do in Unreal. You need to get back to your modeling program, edit the normals and then reimport. In 3ds Max it can be done with Edit Normals modifier. I dont know how it is achieved in other softwares unfortunately.