How to give randomness look to a material

I’m creating a dynamic procedural terrain material based on landscape heights and slopes.
This is my terrain material function:

and it look as this:

As you can see, the snow is too much cutted by the HeightBlend function, so i need to add some random noise to make it more realistic.

How i can add some “noise” to the function?

You could use a cloud texture and lerp it through two different versions of the same texture so it gets a more random look. If you set the UVCoord node to i.e. world location or just a random number it would all look more random.

Thank you for your answer, but how? I’m new to materials and i’m still a newbie

Hey Kheka -

Here is the basic LERP setup using a noise / breakup black and white texture to blend between the texture and a color, but you can do as Luos says and use two different textures as well.

Thank You

Eric Ketchum

was about to set one up, thanks Erik :slight_smile:
(Also, we users should have an option to not unmark an answered question, sorry about that)