How do you create an impact effects blueprint?

I’ve noticed that the example Shooter and Vehicle games have impact effect blueprint that define what particles/effects will play when a bullet vehicle body hits a certain material (metal for example). However, the parent classes of those actors are written in C++ specifically for those games, and there isn’t a general class that I can inherit from when I try to create an impact effects blueprint. Is there a workaround for this, maybe I’m not looking for the right default class, or do I have to write up a class in C++ to do the same thing? The reason I ask is because all the impact effects blueprints appear to have similar properties, so I assumed there would be a default class for it.

would love to know this too. So bumping as it’s quite old.

You don’t. You make a impact material and add it through a “Spawn Decal at Location” function Node in your bullet BP.

Edit: Unless you want an impact effect, in that case you create the effect in cascade and add it in a “Spawn Emitter at Location” Function Node. Just put a decal size you like into the Function node and drag location node into “location” or “Impact Point” in the “Break Hit Result”.