FPositionVertexBuffer::VertexPosition crashes in shipping


Straight to the issue; we are manipulating the vertex colors of a mesh. Everything works fine when using a DebugGame configuration when building, and everything works fine in the editor. When we build it as a shipping product it sometimes crashes when loading the level. Here’s where it crashes:

	for(uint32 i = 0; i < vertexBuffer->GetNumVertices(); ++i)

It appears that the Data in the FPositionVertexBuffer is somehow null, yet the GetNumVertices() function returns the number of vertices correctly.

EDIT: Additional information

Added DxDiag
link text
Attempting to get a template to break in the same way.

Howdy Omberone,

Thank you for reporting this issue. Just need a bit more information before i dig into this issue. Would you be able to attach your DXdiag and project log files to this post? Also, Would there be a way that I may be able to recreate this issue using a new template and startup content?

Any additional information would be greatly appreciated.

Thanks and have a great day!

Edited the original post. Thank you for answering.

Worth mentioning;

The crash only happens now and then, and it’s usually when multiple people are connected. Here’s the entire class which triggers the crash.

What is referenced as "mLavaActor " is simply a AStaticMeshActor with a mesh imported as an FBX from Maya.

100% reproducable when typing “Open ‘map’” from a different level. It gives me the error ‘Unable to read memory’

Hey Omberone,

Thank you all of the information that you have provided. Would you be able to include your project log files as well to the post? (If one is generated)

For the ‘Open Map’ issue, this is a known error with console commands and has been reported previously.

Thanks and have a great day!

Now, after reading through the source files, it seems like the VertexBuffer gets nulled when building the project. It is only meant to be used by the Editor, and is deemed unneccesary when in a standalone game (memory preservation).