4.5 Compiler errors on team's machine with same game source

Stemming from this post by my colleague: https://answers.unrealengine.com/questions/95133/problems-updating-project-to-44.html

We’ve just upgraded to 4.5 and experiencing similar issues from the previous post that seem to be originating from our custom Slate code. The game source, all files and settings are the same as on my machine but my colleague seems to be getting compiler errors which are stemming from the Slate code I have created.

We are both using the same game engine version from GitHub.

I have attached the compiler errors in a text file. We have had this issue for a while now and we’re only able to work around this by commenting out the slate code for my colleague to work. I am unable to find the reason for the compiler errors. Any help is much appreciated.

I am able to share privately the game code if required.



Hey ZeJudge-

Was 's suggestion from the other thread to set GameViewportClientClassName in the project’s DefaultEngine.ini to GameViewportClient able to help at all before? Also, is it possible for you to send your coworker a precompiled version of the project to open on his machine?


Hi ,

Thanks for the response.

We’ve tried reverting GameViewportClientClassName back to the default but this had no affect.

Sending a precompiled version of the project is something that we used to do but it has turned out to be quite a large project so ends up taking a long time to upload/download and store. This is something that we can keep on doing but we were looking for a solution without doing this so workflow becomes faster for us.


Hi we tried this fix this time after installing the engine via source , but we still got these error messages .

Error 2 error C1083: Cannot open include file: ‘SQUBEPauseMenu.h’: No such file or directory E:\UnrealProjects\ToxicGames\QUBE_SVNVersion\Source\QUBE\Private\Engine\QUBEHUD.cpp 7 1 QUBE
Error 3 error : Failed to produce item: E:\UnrealProjects\ToxicGames\QUBE_SVNVersion\Binaries\Win64\UE4Editor-QUBE.dll E:\UnrealProjects\ToxicGames\QUBE_SVNVersion\Intermediate\ProjectFiles\ERROR QUBE
Error 4 error MSB3073: The command “C:\Users\Dave\Documents\GitHub\UnrealEngine\UnrealEngine-4.5\UnrealEngine-4.5\Engine\Build\BatchFiles\Rebuild.bat QUBEEditor Win64 Development “E:\UnrealProjects\ToxicGames\QUBE_SVNVersion\QUBE.uproject”” exited with code 2. C:\Program Files (x86)\MSBuild\Microsoft.Cpp\v4.0\V120\Microsoft.MakeFile.Targets 43 5 QUBE

I am still unable to build the project in Visual Studio , but I am able to open the project in the editor . I was not able to do this when using 4.4 installed via the Unreal Engine launcher , but I am using engine 4.5 installed via source . Everything appears to work OK in the editor , but I am unable to make package a build .

Hey -

What solution configuration are you working in? When attempting to compile the project are you running in debug mode or creating an actual build to run? The C1083 error you are receiving may be resolved by ensuring that Windows SDK is installed. Also check that the necessary dependencies have been downloaded and extracted.


Hi .

I have been compiling in Visual Studio using Development editor Win 64 . I have not been using Windows SDK so will look into it .


I tried to re compile with the Windows SDK installed , but unfortunately I get the same error as before .

As a test are you able to build the project if you include the entire file path to ‘SQUBEPauseMenu.h’? Another possible solution would be to create a new file and copy the contents of SQUBEPauseMenu, then save the new file with the same name.

#Private Include Paths In Build CS

Dear ZeJudge,

First of all, hii!!!

Have you tried rearranging your source folder structure

so that you have this

put all your special Slate files here

then in your build cs:

  PrivateIncludePaths.AddRange(new string[] { 

I have had many problems compiling .h files for non UCLASS classes, I experienced them the most with my custom UI system that I made which is all pure C++ classes. The UBT gets highly confused by that somehow, buuut, if you use private include paths the UBT becomes very happy!

That’s what has worked for me in every case where I could not get .h files to compile in the right order / find each other.


Hey -

Were you able to test 's solution to see if that works for you?

Unfortunately it did not work .

The error log for when I tried to re compile is in the link below .


Hey ZeJudge and -

I apologize for the delayed response however after looking into this issue it appears to be a problem caused by Visual Studios. You can visit their forums at https://social.msdn.microsoft.com/forums/vstudio/en-us/home?category=visualstudio%2Cvslanguages%2Cvstfs%2Cnetdevelopment%2Cvsarch . Again I apologize we cannot be of further help and wish you luck in your project.

The issue is fixed now . Thanks for everyone’s help .