Error when installing

Could you please run the installer with the following command and then post the UnrealEngineInstallerLog.txt that is created?

msiexec /i UnrealEngineInstaller.msi /L*V UnrealEngineInstallerLog.txt

That will allow us to further investigate the issue.

Hi, I just purchased UE4, downloaded the windows installer and ran it. I am able to select my install location, and the installer seems to work until it gets to installing Direct X. A popup appears saying “There is a problem with this Windows Installer package. A Program run as part of the setup did not finish as expected. Contact your support personnel or package vendor”.

I am running windows 8.1 and have the latest stable Nvidia drivers. I’ve never had this type of error with an installer before so I’m not sure what to do.

I did the same thing, but it crashed before loading anything…

Here’s my log:
link text

I had to use this command: msiexec /i UnrealEngineInstaller-1.0.0-2028188.msi /L*V

Do I have the wrong installer?

After running the installer with that command it installed fine. Thanks!