Crash on Launch

Branch: Binary build from Unreal Launcher

Build Version: 4.5.1-2336687+++depot+UE4-Releases+4.5

Whenever I try to open my project, I get the following error:


We apologize for the inconvenience.
Please send this crash report to help improve our software.

And it crashes. Log and DMP and also


If you need more I can get you more, but considering it’s just a straight crash I don’t know what else I can do. Even a copy of the old project that’s in 4.4 crashes on opening.

I’m afraid I don’t even know where to begin trying to debug something like this, or what steps I can take to try to “reinitialize” things if at all possible.

The last thing I remember working on was that I had made a custom actor component, and was trying to remove it from the actor, but it wasn’t able to be deleted. So I thought, I should exit it out, and reopen it, just to see if that helps. And when I tried to exit it crashed, and then it wouldn’t come back. I hadn’t actually changed anything, afaik.

Thanks, hope you can help.

Hi apollyonbob,

In order to help pinpoint the issue, please provide the DXDiag from your computer. Also, you wrote, “even a copy of the old project that’s in 4.4 crashes on opening…” Are you using the 4.4 version of the engine to open that version of the project? Or are you trying to open the old 4.4 version with 4.5.1?

In the meantime I have generated a bug report using all the information you’ve already provided [UE-4992]. If the crash is related to a bug in the editor, an update will be posted here when fixed.



I had just clicked on the copy of the project was left over from the 4.4 to 4.5 conversion in the launcher - but I just tried again and it seems to open fine, so I probably just clicked on the wrong launcher item last time. As a test, I made a blank project in 4.5 and it worked, and opens fine. So I’m assuming it must be the project, but I’ve no idea how to debug this.

You can create a copy of the 4.4 version of the project and open it with the 4.4 version of the launcher. From this copy, remove the actor you believe is causing the issue. Close the 4.4 version of the launcher and open the 4.5.1 version. Open the copy of the 4.4 version and create a copy of this for 4.5.1. (Name all of these projects so you can identify them easily.)

Hopefully this version (minus the actor you were attempting to remove components from) opens with 4.5.1. At which point you would save and close that project and version of the engine. Open the 4.4 version of the project with the 4.4 version of the Engine that contains the actor in question. Select the actor and all of it’s associated assets and MIGRATE them to the Contents folder of the 4.5.1 version of the project.

Now when you open the 4.5.1 version of the project with the 4.5.1 version of the engine it should open without crashing. If not, you’ll have to recreate just that individual actor from scratch after removing the corrupt actor/assets from the Contents folder. (Or if unsure about which files to remove create a new 4.5.1 version from the 4.4 copy without the corrupt actor.)

Sorry to mislead - the 4.4 version is really old. I did the conversion as soon as 4.5 launched, and haven’t updated it since. However, based on your suggestion it occurred to me that I hadn’t yet tried removing assets to see if that changes anything.

I’ve got a Hero blueprint, and then another Blueprint derived from it that’s got a specific model in it, Hero_Kachujin (I used one of those Mixamo characters). The Hero_Kachujin class is the one I put that ActorComponent in. So I removed the Hero_Kachujin blueprint, and tried to load. No joy, crashes.

So I removed the Hero blueprint - and that DID work. For a moment, I thought this was maybe tied to a problem I had earlier, where some Blueprint glitch was causing the Hero to crash - but that turns out not to be the case.

If I remove the Hero and Hero_Kachujin from content, I can load the project. Then I add the Hero back in, then add Hero_Kachujin back in, and then repair a couple of blueprints that directly call the Hero class (need to replace those with an Interface), tell the GameMode to use Hero to spawn, and then hit Play and it runs. It actually runs, and I can move about in the game. I can open both blueprints without problem.

I exit, save and reload - crash on load.

So based on that I wondered about having a duplicate. I did the same thing again - removed it prior to launch then added it in real time. But this time I made a duplicate of it. I reparented Hero_Kachujin to the HeroDupe, and then exited, removed the Hero, and reloaded - and it loads. So it loads with the duplicate, but not the original. Having the original still causes a crash.

Unfortunately, with such a key component missing, I do get lots of loading errors, and everything is super unstable. (Trying to compile any given script causes a crash, trying to open things causes a crash, etc.) But it does actually load.

Sorry to hear you are having so much difficulty with the conversion process. I’m afraid you’ll have to recreate the character for the 4.5.1 version but you should be able to have both versions open at the same time, allowing you to simply cut and paste nodes from the older version’s blueprint to the newer version’s rather than having to recreate all the nodes from scratch.

The developers are looking at this and similar issues so if you can provide the uasset in question and it’s corresponding components this will help to pinpoint the problem.


Sorry for the miscommunication - there’s no difficulty with conversion. I only mentioned the 4.4 thing because I thought maybe the editor itself was having a problem. The project I’m working in has been 4.5 since the launch of 4.5, so several weeks now. 4.4 has nothing to do with the current problem.

However, I did stumble across a possible solution, as duplicating the hero class seemed to work? So the ultimate solution seemed to be “make a duplicate and then reparent everything to the duplicate” although that would’ve been very difficult to accomplish. Not impossible but probably would’ve taken me the better part of several days.

I speak in the conditional though because the project now loads. What changed? There was only one notable thing that happened between the last time I checked, and this time (I’ve been checking every day, so it hasn’t been long): nVidia had a video card driver update.

After updating drivers loading the project works. I’ve seen this somewhere else before - someone said reinstalling their control panel made it work, so I tested it specifically, wondering if it would also have the same effect for me. It apparently did. It loads and runs.

Nevertheless, this entire project, from start to now, has been a frustrating exercise, as it has been constantly plagued by instability. I realize that my problem is actually solved (you can mark this question as answered for tracking purposes) but I would really appreciate it if someone could look at my project, and tell me what I’m doing that’s so dangerous/unstable. I have a hard time believing that Unreal Engine 4 is just plagued with constant crashes, and that’s that. So presumably it’s something I’m doing. But I don’t know what.

The only thing I could suspect is that I’m currently trying to write the entirety of a multiplayer FPS in blueprint, and am overloading the blueprint system.

I’m going to [link you to most of the project][1] though.

Thanks for all the help!

I believe the Nvidia driver was at the root of your problem but I’ll take a look at the asset you sent to see if I can spot anything unusual. If so I’ll post a response.

Likewise, if your issue persists feel free to update us through this thread.


Hi apollyonbob,

We opened your blueprint and did not see anything that would cause the engine to crash. Again, I think there was an conflict between the previous Nvidia driver and UE4.

Well, I appreciate the look see! Hopefully with this updated driver then, my stability problems are behind me :slight_smile: Thanks again for all the help!