How to Spawn one actor at a random predetermined spawn point?

There are a few methods to do this, the C++ tutorials go over how to spawn something utilizing a spawning volume. Basically you create a blueprint with a large square volume and choose a random point from within that volume. However the other method which sounds more like what you want is to use the [level blueprint][1] and the BeginPlay event. You want to generate a [random number between][2] 0 and 1 to choose which point to spawn the the actor at. Then you [spawn the actor][3]

ActorOrPawnClass * actorOrPawn = SpawnActor<AYourActorOrPawnClass>(TargetLocation, TargetRotation, NULL, NULL, true);

or in blueprints

If you have not done so already I highly recommend looking through the tutorials on blueprints, they will take you about a day and should help immensely.

[Introduction to Blueprints][5]

[Blueprint Essentials][6]

[C++ Programming][7]

Hope this helps

Hey guys i’m totally lost on how to get an actor spawn at a one of the two random player start points i have set up on a one level. Can anyone help?

I hope that this helps.

Oooo, Multi-Gate node, didn’t know that one exists, that’s just ridiculously useful.

Very helpful! Thank you guys so much!