A.R.T Skin Mirroring Artefacts?


I’ve been skinning a character in Maya using the ART tool. The character is symmetrical so I’ve been working off the left side of the body.
When I try mirror the skin weights a couple of verts from the alternative side will attach themselves to the original side. For example on the left clavicle I have verts assigned only around the left clavicle area, after mirroring about 10-20 verts from the right side of the body (Neck and chest) attach themselves. This doesnt happen on areas like the face, legs and arms. I can go back over and clean these up on an individual basis, although it would be nice to just work on one side and have it mirror cleanly.

Does anyone know what I’m doing wrong or suggest errors in the mirror.


Ok so I managed to work it out. I’ll describe for people with the same problem.

So basically went through eat bone on the right side of the body and flooded it with zero weighting before I mirrored the left side. You won’t get 100% 0 but it seemed to work. Also while I’m painting I make sure to mirror often just to keep everything working.