disable mobile HDR only on some mobile devices?

Is there any way to disable mobile HDR only on some mobile devices? for example ipad mini.

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Would be nice to have a concrete answer from someone at Epic but my feeling currently is no. I’ve tested “+CVars=r.MobileHDR=True”/False in the Deviceprofiles ini and Basedeviceprofiles ini and it doesn’t seem adjustable from startup. In cases where HDR is enabled from the project settings in the editor and I’ve tried to disable them from the ini. files, my game crashes when launched on a mobile. When the other way round, the game simply takes the project settings and HDR is off.

Would help greatly with scalability. Also the Galaxy S3 I’m testing on at the moment seems to display some weird artefacts in spite of being able to handle the HDR, it’d be a shame to have to limit the quality of all versions of the game.

True, mobile HDR only works from the project settings and crashes if you put it in the INI file.

I would also like an options to disable it per device, since some devices don’t handle high dynamic range well, it just gets insanely over-bright.

Is there any reason why it is not changeable per device? Would the shaders become too large?

Anyone found a way to stop the game from crashing??

I have met the same error. Unfortunately, I can’t find a solution. If I try to put r.MobileHDR in any platform config I will get a crash. So, I can use r.MobileHDR setting only in project settings (or DefaultEngine.ini)