Where can I find the code for the base classes?

I’m new to UE4, having transitioned from UDK. Accommodating to the changes has been daunting but the thing holding me back the most is that I can’t find the code for the base or default classes.

I gained most of my understanding of UDK by reading the code of the classes that I would be extending. GameInfo.uc, PlayerController.uc, Camera.uc, etc. But with UE4, I can only find the header files for those classes. Which is the equivalent of saying what they can do but not how they do it.

Where can I find the files that contain the functionality of those base classes? Character.cpp, GameMode.cpp, etc.

You will want to grab the source from GitHub. Here’s the info: Unreal Engine 4 on GitHub - Unreal Engine

I should clarify. I downloaded the Source Code zip file and couldn’t find them in there either.
Are they contained in either the Optional.zip or one of the Required_#of#.zip files?

All of the source is in there, the archives contain mostly binary dependencies. You’ll find .cpp files generally near related .h files (in the Private subfolders). For example, GameMode.cpp is in Source/Runtime/Engine/Private

Ah, there they are. Thanks a bunch.
I wonder why they didn’t show up in the search.
Thanks again.

In case anyone else is interested, the path is: