Clear Print String

Hello, currently i am using a print function to debug some variables, but this happens really often so i get a “spamlist” on my screen, is there any way to clear the print and then display it aggain so only 1 line is used?

GEngine->ClearOnScreenDebugMessages(); is not exposed to blueprints but if you want to mess with the c++, you can expose it to blueprint in your custom BlueprintFunctionLibrary:

add to yourBlueprintFunctionLibrary.h

UFUNCTION(BlueprintCallable, Category = "Utilities|String")
virtual void ClearOnScreenDebugMessages();

add to yourBlueprintFunctionLibrary.cpp

void yourBlueprintFunctionLibrary::ClearOnScreenDebugMessages()

then you can find this in any blueprint by typing ClearOnScreenDebugMessages in the search box.

before printing each line you can trigger ClearOnScreenDebugMessages() and you should only see the most recent print message.

meh to bad thats not a basic node in BP nvm thank you alot :slight_smile:

Can’t we get Rama to include this into the BlueprintNode pack? :smiley: Or maybe it already is, have you checked it?

maybe you don’t have to use print string. maybe you can get the data into your Hud and DrawText.

genious… i kinda feel dumb now :smiley: