Bug with Child AnimBlueprints becoming "corrupt"

Hey all,

I may have stumbled on a serious bug with Child AnimBlueprints. Specifically, if I have parent and child AnimBP’s, and later after creating the child AnimBP’s I make some serious modifications to the parent’s Event & Anim graphs, sometimes the child AnimBP’s will become somewhat corrupt and seemingly refuse to act as if the new nodes exist (even though they’re not overriding any of the parent AnimBP’s nodes), and therefore behave improperly. They temporarily “fix” themselves if I recompile them in the Editor, but the “fix” doesn’t save.

If I add and remove any node to the child AnimBP’s, this seems to “dirty” them and then I can recompile and save them to permanently fix them, but that shouldn’t be necessary. Something seems bugged :stuck_out_tongue:

Any insight would be appreciated, thanks!