Removing Destructible Mesh 'Chunks' from World

Hey there folks ,

I’m working on resource collection in my game and I would like to make use of destructible meshes. I’ve created a rock that breaks down into smaller chunks through the editor. I know that I am able to physically push individual chunks about using the impulse function (through bp atm) .

What I’d like to know is :

1 - Is there any way to get a reference a particular chunk in a destructible actor ( when casting a ray for instance).
2 - How would I go about removing only that chunk form the world instead of the entire destructible component or destructible mesh actor.

I’ve experimented with this before back when I was using UDK for development but had no luck then either. Any help or advice would be greatly appreciated.

Best Regards and Much Love


Is there any way to get a reference a
particular chunk in a destructible
actor ( when casting a ray for
instance). 2 - How would I go about
removing only that chunk form the
world instead of the entire
destructible component or destructible
mesh actor.

1 - You can get reference to a particular chunk via a ray trace. When using the break hit result node pull off the pin for Hit Bone Name and plug that into Print String if you want to see the result. This was my test for that.

2 - You cannot remove specific chunks from the world. Something could probably be done with code to do this, but there is not option that I am aware of included with UE4 to be able to do this.

UE4’s destruction is on par with what was capable in UDK. There are some features that are still being worked on though but nothing to this degree that I’m aware of. You would either want to implement something via C++ or look into using PhysXLabs (Standalone app, 3Ds Max/Maya Plugin) to test results.

Thank you!


Thank you for the answer Tim ! :slight_smile:

Is it still not possible to remove specific chunks from the world? I was playing around with DMs today, and I couldn’t figure out how to do it. Also, I could could not get the chunks to trigger an overlap event.