[4.5.1][UMG][Bug] Dedicated server crash when run with player controller blueprint that create UMG widget

Hi, so i have a PlayerController Blueprint to handle my HUD, so i made most of thing in there like create widget update Health, bar, score and stuff related to HUD.

When i run dedicated server with .bat file with -server -log, it crash my server with this error

[2014.11.10-06.48.05:674][  0]LogLinker:Warning: Can't find file '/Script/UMGEditor'
[2014.11.10-06.48.05:675][  0]LoadErrors: Info Failed to load /Game/SUAssets/UI/SlateBluePrints/FPS_HUD.FPS_HUD_C Referenced by FPS_HUD_C
[2014.11.10-06.48.05:676][  0]LogUObjectGlobals:Warning: Failed to load '/Script/UMGEditor': Can't find file '/Script/UMGEditor'
[2014.11.10-06.48.05:676][  0]LogLinker:Warning: Can't find file for asset '/Script/UMGEditor' while loading NULL.
[2014.11.10-06.48.05:677][  0]LoadErrors: Info Failed to load /Game/SUAssets/UI/SlateBluePrints/FPS_HUD.FPS_HUD_C Referenced by FPS_HUD_C
[2014.11.10-06.48.05:678][  0]LogUObjectGlobals:Warning: Failed to load '/Script/UMGEditor': Can't find file for asset '/Script/UMGEditor' while loading NULL.

and this error in gamemode where i set class for my controller

my code:

static ConstructorHelpers::FClassFinder<APlayerController> PCOb(TEXT("/Game/Blueprints/Pawns/FPSPlayerController"));
	PlayerControllerClass = PCOb.Class;

and error

UE4Editor-StormUnited.dll!ConstructorHelpersInternal::FindOrLoadClass() (0x000007fedb60c91b) + 0 bytes [d:\unreal engine\4.5\engine\source\runtime\coreuobject\public\uobject\constructorhelpers.h:75]
UE4Editor-StormUnited.dll!ConstructorHelpers::FClassFinder<AShooterPlayerController>::FClassFinder<AShooterPlayerController>() (0x000007fedb5dfaef) + 25 bytes [d:\unreal engine\4.5\engine\source\runtime\coreuobject\public\uobject\constructorhelpers.h:142]
UE4Editor-StormUnited.dll!AShooterGameMode::AShooterGameMode() (0x000007fedb5e4e4b) + 38 bytes [d:\unrealprojects\stormunited45\source\stormunited\private\online\shootergamemode.cpp:24]

i found same problem here maybe it already answer but i have no access to unreal developer network so i cannot see

I hope to find a solution to this problem too. Any words from Epic on this?

Hi ,

Please and attach crash log from your project when this crash occurs. Thanks!

Here my crash log. Thanks !

link text

[2014.11.10-06.48.05:675][ 0]LoadErrors: Info Failed to load /Game/SUAssets/UI/SlateBluePrints/FPS_HUD.FPS_HUD_C Referenced by FPS_HUD_C

Seems to indicate that you can’t load Compiled Class for Widget Blueprint. Are you trying to start a dedicated server for an uncooked build?

Yes, i run server through .bat file with command -server

Hi ,

This post became buried and I’m only know finding it again. I apologize for delay. It’s been a long time, but can you tell me if you are still experiencing this issue? Are you still using 4.5, or have you moved to another version? Thanks!


I haven’t heard back from you in a while, so I’m resolving this post for tracking purposes. If you’re still experiencing this issue, please feel free to comment here and let us know if you’ve tried this in a newer engine version, and we can continue looking into it. Thanks!