Gesture handling

Using UInputComponent::BindGesture (UInputComponent::BindGesture | Unreal Engine Documentation), I bind the gesture values listed in A new, community-hosted Unreal Engine Wiki - Announcements - Unreal Engine Forums and I get the following results:

  1. Gesture_SwipeLeftRight: not called at all
  2. Gesture_SwipeUpDown: not called at all
  3. Gesture_TwoFingerSwipeLeftRight: not called at all
  4. Gesture_TwoFingerSwipeUpDown : not called at all
  5. Gesture_Pinch: gets called only when 2 touches start, value is always 1.0
  6. Gesture_Flick: OK, value is the angle in degree (0-360)

Seems only Gesture_Flick works for me now. Has anyone get the others to work? Any documentation about this?
I tested using UDK remote (iOS) and previewing on Windows (UE 4.5.1)

I tested with UE 4.6.1 but unfortunately nothing works on my side. Neither on previewing nor on iPad. Seems there are problems since 4.2.1 (see this question). Edit: Pinch works great

Finally get some reply since I posted months ago. Thanks trutty.

I tried 4.6.1 myself and get the same results. Can anyone from Epic say something about this issue?

I have the same problem.

I am on UE 4.7 and there is the same problem.“flick” works, but “swipe” doesn’t.

the code might be located in:

void FGestureRecognizer::DetectGestures(...)
	if (PreviousTouchCount >= 1 && TouchCount == 0)
		// cancel other 1 finger gestures
		HandleGesture(PlayerInput, EKeys::Gesture_SwipeLeftRight, false, true);
		HandleGesture(PlayerInput, EKeys::Gesture_SwipeUpDown, false, true);

you will notice the swipe gestures don’t get added into “CurrentGestureValues” array which make these gestures doesn’t get callback properly.

But the good luck is, “Flick” works and it solved my problem.

if UMG OnTouchMove if is Return Handled, it will Intercept pitch, so it will always output 1.

if UMG is visible, maybe intercept touch event.

the Touch Gesture Event just take effect in Viewport, so it is not useful in UMG. I decide override it on C++.

If anyone knows of a project that has been implemented, please let me know, thks.