Apply Additive Node Causing Distortion

I have been trying to figure out why this is happening for over a month now. I am pleading for some help! When I set the “scale” in Apply Additive node to 1 my characters becomes all distorted. When I set “scale” to 0 my character looks fine but the AimOffset won’t be applied. I am using the skeleton from the Third Person Template “HerorTPP_Skeleton” I bought the “Kubold Rifle Animation Pack” from the market place so the AimOffest animations provide from those should work fine with that skeleton. Plus all other animations work just fine. The values calculated by the AimOffset are correct. It just seems like I am doing something wrong with the Apply Additive Node. That’s when the crap hits the fan.


If anyone has any ideas I would be so grateful.


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I found an answer to my problem. It has to do with how you set up the individual AimOffset animations. So in case anyone runs into this same problem, here is how I fixed it.

The “AdditiveAnimType” must be set to “LocalSpaceBased”


  1. Open the Animation
  2. Scroll down until you find “Additive Settings”
  3. SetAdditive Anim Type to: Local Space
  4. Set Base Pose Type to: Selected Animation Frame
  5. For Base PoseAnimation: (select some idle animation)

Hope this helps anyone who stumbles onto the page. Good luck!

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This did not seem to solve the issue at least in version 4.13. I will look into it more and hopefully find the answer.

Yes, it doesn’t work.

It works in 4.13.

Worked for me thanks 4.14.3

This worked for me on 4.14, I couldn’t find a solution for this until I read this thread - thanks for asking and posting your findings! Really appreciate it.

You saved my brain from exploding. Thank you very much for the problem and its solution.