How to get a bullet hit me but then pass through me?

Bullet hitting bones of my character all works fine with the Hit Event but now I want to have the bullet projectile pass through my Skeletal mesh after I got the hit event. Like the bullet penetrates through the character.

Note: the projectile is set to bounce.

Hi ,

Instead of a hit event, have you tried using an overlap event? You can overlap it so that you still access the function but the bullet passes through the object in question.

That will not work. I need the Hit to access the Hit result so I get the Bone name. It would be also problematic since there is a extra overlap capsule on the player that I use for something else.

In this case what you could do is on event hit>branch (if hit player)> set collision “Overlap all”> end overlap >Set collision “original collision”. This should cause the bullet to hit the player but as it hits it turns to an overlap and then turns solid again on the other side of the player. I don’t know if this will work as I have never tried it myself but it may be possible.

That does not work either. On event hit the projectile has already bounced.

Hi ,

Can you provide some examples of what exactly you are attempting to accomplish with this feature? Knowing what you are attempting may help us to figure out how to assist you.

Basically what the Sniper Elite games do. Super slomo where a bullet shoots through a body including ragdoll animation. But the bullet needs also bounce/reflect on surfaces (for trick shots). Here is early vine vid that shows it: Vine You have to kill yourself there with your own bullet while it would be much more cool when you can see the actual bullet going through the body. But it should be already enough when you only see it coming out as the back since the cinematic camera and slomo starts on hit. In that vid I had destroyed the bullet on hit since it looks silly when it bounces of the character.

This may be a question best asked on the forums in the blueprint section, or may even require some c++ coding to work in a convincing manner. Check the forums at to see if anyone has an idea of what might work here.

Maybe a predictive check would work with overlap. On overlap do a line trace in forward vector. That would return a hit result on overlap in a way.