Accessing cloud storage?


I’d like to know how I can access the interface of the cloud storage. I’ve searched the code, I found stuff, but I don’t where to start to get the reference to the cloud storage.

Any pointers are greatly appreciated.

I tried this line of code:


But when I build, it throws an unresolved external error on this line. If I’m on the right direction, what module should I include in .Build.cs file to get this to run?

So, any help?

Hi Hamad.Empire,

Please do not bump threads that are less than 4 days unanswered. This clutters the answerhub and makes it difficult to assist users.

Sure, that won’t happen again. I didn’t know about this, sorry.

What is your cloud storage provider? Steam? Facebook? Amazon? Whatever:)

Good reference is here:


FTestCloudInterface::Test(UWorld* InWorld)

I want to use iCloud for iOS. I should be able to simulate it on PC according to documentation, but I’ll check out your reference.

IOS you say, hem:

IOnlineSharedCloudPtr FOnlineSubsystemIOS::GetSharedCloudInterface() const
	return NULL;

IOnlineUserCloudPtr FOnlineSubsystemIOS::GetUserCloudInterface() const
	return NULL;

It seems you have to implement ios cloud yourself.
Good luck and have fun :slight_smile:

You are right, it’s not implemented. I was looking into this, because I remember in the past Apple refused a game I was working on because it had IAP and their data not getting stored in the cloud. I just checked the review guidelines for them now and that is no longer a condition. I guess any file you save on the phone gets automatically synced to the cloud if its available, and probably that’s why iOS cloud storage wasn’t implemented.