Quick Loop Question

If you have a ForLoop with a First Index of 1 and a Last Index of 0, it will not run right?

It shoulndn’t :open_mouth:

Because a for loop normaly looks like this:

for(int32 i = 1; i <= 0; i++)

And if i remember correctly, it checks first, like a while loop. So it would check if i is less or equal 0 and it’s already 1, so it won’t run.

Yeah that is what I though, just checking, thanks. :slight_smile:

Sounds like you found a For Loop that doesn’t do what you want xD

Nah, I was actually hoping it would work like that so I can take advantage of it. :slight_smile:

That loop would run forever, becouse “i” is not less or equal 0.
P.S. Urean Engine shuts down game if you have infinite loop

Öhm i don’t think so. It will run as long as i is less or equal 0. Since i is greater than 0 from the start, it won’t run the for at all.

Decided to run a quick print screen test.

Last index starting out less than first index causes it to immediately fire the Completed output. No infinite loop.