Cannot find Property for column - Struct

Trying to import a basic data table before I get all advanced on it’s bootay.

My error:

Cannot find Property for column
‘Firing_Type’ in struct ‘Wanddata’.
Cannot find Property for column
‘DMG_lower’ in struct ‘Wanddata’.
Expected column ‘MemberVar_0’ not
found in input.

My Source code

// Fill out your copyright notice in the Description page of Project Settings.

#pragma once

#include "Engine/UserDefinedStruct.h"
#include "MyUserDefinedStruct.generated.h"

struct FWandData : public FTableRowBase
class OUTLANDERS_PIPENOV14_API UMyUserDefinedStruct : public UUserDefinedStruct
		, DMG_lower(0)

	/**Firing Type Beam etc*/
	UPROPERTY(EditAnywhere, BlueprintReadWrite, Category =WandData)
		FName Firing_type;
	/**Lower Damage value*/
	UPROPERTY(EditAnywhere, BlueprintReadWrite, Category =WandData)


My Data table - Named Wanddata.csv


I have a feeling it’s something very basic. Stumped.

Solved. Even though I added the class with code, I have a struct in blueprint that I can now add variables to. I am also able to successfully bring in all the data I can think of.