Change the Prefix of PNG Sequences from Matinee to Avoid Overwriting?


I’m using Matinee to export PNG sequences and it’s working very well.
The only trouble is that Unreal keeps saving these images in the same folder with the same prefix, MovieFrame####.

Is there any way to specify where the files should be saved to and give them a unique prefix?


Hey -

Currently it it not possible, but I will definitely pass this request along to our engineers to see if we can implement something like this.

Thank You

Eric Ketchum

Thanks for replying and actually i found the source where it applies that name and wrote a small extension to Engine class and GameViewClient class so that it uses my custom function to change the name that I provide.


Feel free to add a pull request on GitHub and we will try to put it into the engine.

Thank You

Eric Ketchum

Right now I m working on it to be more flexible to use and also adding custom folder option. Once its done, will pull request on GitHub.
