Not sure where to find node

Hey guys I had a quick question(possibly dumb) but I was setting up an AnimGraph and couldn’t find the duration length of the clip to play then go back to idle state. I had done it before and the node looks like this

But I can’t seem to find it again on a different transition.

The transitions rules for the working one is

Any thoughts? I don’t know why i can’t find that asset, I’ve also looked for the variable length

I searched for myself a second ago, so i hope this is right.

Lets say you have this setup here, so we have an example to work with:

So you want a transition from FPP_JumpLoop to FPP_JumpEnd.

Don’t ask me why we would need a remaining time here, but for getting the node this should be enough :smiley:

Ok, so if you are inside this transition it will look like this: (this is the HeroAnimBP from the First Person project):

So now we want a remaining time of the FPP_JumpLoop, or the Length, it doesn’t matter. So now, since the Transition Arrow goes from JumpLoop to JumpEnd, simply rightclicking and typen “Remaining” or “Length” should bring of the following:

This seems to be the node you were looking for. So i guess you can only get the length of the Animation that the arrow comes from. Could be wrong on that, but at least i found your node xD Hope this helps.

I have the same problem. I just tried searching for “remaining” and “Length” but the Asset Player doesn’t show up. Do you have a reason for this?

As stated by Eamonn, I don’t see the asset player

Öhm, i just double clicked the transition and in the new window, i rightclicked.

There is the Asset Player :X Are you sure you have selected “Context Sensitive”? Or did you maybe changed this here?

" Editor Preferences > Experimental and enable “Use New Blueprint Menuing System” "

Try enabling or disabling this setting. Maybe this helps :confused:

You found it, i don’t believe I changed it but it was there, Thank you so much eXi, very helpful. Also talked to eamon and he was fixed too.

Ok, after reading this and a few more threads, i still had this problem, and eventually i figured out what the ACTUAL problem is. There’s a silent dependency on setup that nobody seems to have discovered yet, which boils down to the fact that if your state machine is not hooked up to the Final Animation Pose in the AnimGraph view, none of the Asset Player nodes will appear available no matter what you do. I hope this saves somebody some time, because this seemed super mysterious and cost me a bunch of effort fumbling around trying to figure out why my poor nodes had run away.



Thanks, RogueRocket!
It saved my time.

Besides the connection of the state machine with the final pose, another thing to pay attention to solve the missed Asset Player sub-menu issue, is that one must bind an animation sequence to every state in the animation state machine.

Figure 1: Double-click at a state. One will be driven to the state edition window.


Figure 2: Connect both nodes and compile. A flow animation should be presented on the edge.

Now the Asset Player is available inside the transition editor.