Order of array elements differs in PIE vs Standalone

I have an array of child actors of the same type under the root component of an actor, and when I launch my game the child actors are all added to an array.

The child actor is just a box with a string variable called ID. On launch, each of these has its ID value incremented so they’re all unique (squares on a chessboard style, A1 to H8).

During gameplay, when I click each child actor, it returns its ID value.

In PIE the returned ID order occurs from bottom to top, and when I play standalone the order is top to bottom.
This makes no sense to me, so I wonder how the foreachloop that assigns objects to their array (before the ID values are assigned) is determining which to add next at each step?

In My Blueprints the child actor variables are ordered in A1 to H8 sequence (alphabetically,numerically)
In the Components tab, the list of child actors is order H8 to A1.

To work around the problem, I made a function to reverse the order of the contents in the array in blueprints … but I can’t switch this depending on if we’re PIE or Standalone. Or is there a node for that?

I have the same problem and I guess it’s because of the order the actors/components get loaded into memory but I’m not sure. Did you ever figure it out?