Missing functions in Blueprint?

Am I doing something wrong?
I tried to replicate this tutorial:

Top Down/Twin Stick Shooter Project - Blueprints ( comes with tutorials :D ) - Programming & Scripting - Epic Developer Community Forums

I open the “MyController” blueprint, and start to add those functions,and when I try to add “Get actor location”, it cannot find it for some reason. This isn’t the first time I cannot find a function in blueprint so I’m starting to wonder if I’m doing something wrong. I have UE4.5 and it was built with these properties: “Development Editor” and “Win64”.
No build errors in Visual Studio so I don’t know what can be the problem.

Hi there, the menu system for blueprints was being changed over to a new system in 4.5, and a couple of issues did come up. These have been fixed in version 4.6 (preview now available).

To find this node, un-check the “Context Sensitive” setting in the search box and you should now be able to find it by typing the name into the search bar.

Yep, this workaround works. Thank you very much!!!