Compile error createSurfaceBuffer


I’m getting the following compile errors

Error	18	error C3668: 'FApexNullRenderResourceManager::createSurfaceBuffer' : method with override specifier 'override' did not override any base class methods	c:\gamedev\unrealengine\engine\source\runtime\engine\private\PhysicsEngine\PhysXSupport.h	518	1	UE4
Error	19	error C3668: 'FApexNullRenderResourceManager::releaseSurfaceBuffer' : method with override specifier 'override' did not override any base class methods	c:\gamedev\unrealengine\engine\source\runtime\engine\private\PhysicsEngine\PhysXSupport.h	532	1	UE4

serveral times when buildimg

Development Editor for Win64

Check that you downloaded and correctly unzipped the dependencies listed in the “Getting up and running” portion here


should exist. If it does and you’re still getting the error, it’s conceivable the compiler is pulling the PhysX’s Apex header from another folder on your computer, and it’s a much older version. I would try going to definition of the base class of FApexNullRenderResourceManager : NxUserRenderResourceManager, and see if it takes you to something we provided.

Nick (Epic Games)

I’m having this problem too. I’ve tried deleting everything and redownloading the source as well as the additional zip files. Any ideas?


We apologize that we were not able to resolve your issue at the time it was created. We have since improved our systems and workflows to provide better coverage going forward. Many changes have occurred to the Unreal Engine since this post was made, so we are marking this as Resolved for tracking purposes. If you still require assistance with this issue, please let us know. If the issue has changed in any way, we recommend you create a new post.

Thank you.