Since 10 hours it loads 4.6.0 down and its now on 25%

Can you please help me? I am a new subscriber and want download UE 4.6 to use it.
But the download is sooooo slow on my really fast internet. It downloads only 100kb/s speed but often with only 0kb/s.

3GB and every 15-30 min it goes to the next higher %. Atm its at 25%. This will need 4 days to download it and i am close before to look for my 9600 baud modem … this is as i would be back in the 90s …

Can you help or is this normal? Normal i need for 3GB to download for a game or so only 1 hour to download.

Thanks in advance.

2 hours later… i am at 28% … yes i have to see it positiv … only some days to download and i can start to try out unreal eninge 4.6.0 …

First, please don’t bump questions that are unanswered less than 4 days.

Second: Did you already pause the download and made a speed test on “http://www.speedtest/de/” for example?

Also have you tried restarting your router and made sure nothing else is holding the download down (someone in your house using the net to download something else for example)?

It could be that the UE4 servers are slow right now. I can’t download the new version since i need to wait for my Github key, but as long as your internet is right, i don’t think you can do anything to make it faster else than waiting.

Or maybe a Staff member can help you, but please no bumping until 4 days of no answer.

Hello ,

thanks for your answer.

My downloadspeed with your link is 93.932Mbps. So its not the fault of my internet. Everything i can download fast and without problems. But i am not the onlyone with the problems of a slow download speed as i found out.

I was only expecting a faster downloadspeed for a paidproduct and a download with such a filesize.

In 4 days as you said that it is a alowed to bumping, i will hopefully have downloaded. In hope i have after it no errors and have to download it again.

But thanks for your answer (no ironic)


Normaly the speed is fine. I downloaded 4.4 on my laptop with 5Mb/s in 30 Min a few days a go, but as i already said, this could be a temporary issue with the UE4 servers. Just wait, it will be fixed i guess.

Hello Rudy,

thanks for your comment. I found a solution. A friend copied his folders as zip and sended it to me. All works now. Filetransfer was done in 3 Minutes for 3GB. Thanks for your help. He had have the same problem as i had, so he understood my problem and was happy to help me.

Hello TTT,

This is not an issue that we are aware of. I have just tried downloading the new engine myself and did not encounter the same issue. The download appeared to go smoothly for me. I will continue to look into the issue further and I will provide updates with any pertinent information as I find it. Until I find more information on the issue, please continue your download.