Launch Character not working properly

Every time I try to use the Launch Character node with a Z axis of 1000, my character barely moves. My game is based on the third person code template. I have tried the exact same node on the default 3rd person template and it works fine. I didn’t touch things like Gravity scale on my character either. What could be causing this?

Hey, by any chance are you using a “move to” node? (for example the top down template uses this to move the character to the mouse click location) because I have noticed the Move to commands break the way launch character works.

it’s mentioned here…

but there hasn’t been a follow up on this yet from the staff as far as I can find

I will look through my code to see if I may have used it somewhere but I don’t remember using it. I will double check though. Thanks!

I have the same problem and haven’t used a “move to” node. Every time I try to launch it just barely shakes the character and then restores into the original position. This is in multiplayer by the way and only happens for player 2.

Hi, I have the same problem too. Any solution ? I use Unreal Engine 4.13.2

I see it’s been about 2 years since I posted on this so if it helps here is the workaround I use. I implemented this over a year ago so I don’t remember fully but I think Rama is the one who said to try this.

Here is a snippet from one of my enemies. This is part of what happens when the enemy is hit with like a sword or something.

The idea is that when a character is hit they are knocked around but because of this bug the knock-back doesn’t work on characters who are using the move to command so inside the stun logic collapsed node you see there is this.

the important part is the Kill AI section. Before I launch the character I kill it’s movement and logic (so it can’t re-issue move commands in mid air since that seemed to cause the bug as well). After a stun period I restart my AI and the enemy carries on. If you don’t have a stun period you can bind an event to when the character lands and have that restart the AI instead.

Hope that helps. if you need more info let me know!


i’ve found the issue, if you split the launch velocity and the Z axis is the issue. so if you want to launch something try play with that, because i’m using that for aerial take down and i’ve found that the z axis was causing that problem.
for example for me, if the enemy is far from the Edge of something that i am standing and i put it like 500 then it would launch and stay in somehow the same position rather that launch on the enemy but if i launch the attack while standing like 100units away from the ledge it launch my character to the perform the aerial takedown and to fix that i’ve played with it and 400 works fine but if you put it like 100 it would launch your character way high in the sky so try testing.
And i am using MOVE COMPONENT TO before the launch to rotate my character and it still work that mean the Z axis is a must to be calculated.

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Thought I’ll put my input here too for future users.

What I was trying to achieve
Just wanted to Launch my character on the ground, no z axis.

Issue faced:
When I Launch my character in the third person code template, it works fine, but when I create my own character and movement classes referencing the third person code template, Launch barely moves my character.

There’s a variable Use Separate Braking Friction, if you check that to true, your character will launch on the ground. Or well slide on the ground.

didnt work

Thank you this worked. I only had to do “stop movement” in my case as I didn’t want logic to be stopped or restarted.

Apologies for the necro, but wanted to add something in case it helped.

In our case, we use Root Motion with the character. Disabling this before launching the character was the solution for us.