UE4 crash everytime I open Blueprints editor

I’m working with version 4.5.1 and Windows 7 x64

If I start a blank project and then I open the blueprints editor, UE4 gets frozen after a few seconds and I need to kill the UE4 process in windows.

I also opened the Architecture demo and the same happens if I open the Blueprints editor

I don’t know what to do as I need to work with Blueprints for my job!

what kind of video card do you have?
have you tried lowering your frame rate to 30 FPS?
in the main 3d window, type “~” to open the console command prompt, then type:


then see if it still crashes.

Thanks for helping me!

I have a Nvidia GTX 770, I7 4770, 16ram, SSD 1GO. I installed Windows 7 x64 2 weeks ago and the latest Nvidia drivers so everything is pretty new.

I tried what you suggested t.MaxFPS=30 but EU4 is still freezing after a few second after I open the Blueprint Editor

Hey Maxxi,

I know you posted your specs just now, but would you mind providing your dxdiag?

Also, how many processes do you have running in the background on your PC aside from UE4?


Hi Andrew,

I tried to reinstall UE4 but it didn’t fix anything

So I decided to create a new account in Windows and re install everything in this account and the problem was gone!

Thanks for Helping anyway:)