UE4 and Perforce some Issues

Hi there, we are working together with Perforce and we found out that something wents really confusing.

If i imoprt a Mesh and import its Material with it, i want to move the Material into the Materials Folder.
When i commit in Perforce everything seems okay for the moment, but if i take a closer look, then i recognize that both fikes still exist. In Unreal the file has moved correctly, in perforce its seems like a copy. I then delete the doubled old file in perforce and go back to unreal. There the Material connection is lost, BUT, if i look into the Mesh and hover over the Material to see the path and recognize that the path to the Material is allright, its the path to the new Material Location from the Moving before. I can than reconnect to the same and everything works.

The bigger Problems comes with animated meshes. If i Move the skeleton and anims into the responding Folders and commit this in Perforce, they are doubled again. If i delete the old files everythings the animatios are broken. Doubleclicking the Anim Files or the Animation Blueprint says: Can´t find Rig, create a new One: Yes / No?
Both, Yes and No dont open the animation.

Now i´ve reimported the anims and rigs and commitet everything after i have sorted the things. On My Computer everything works, but for my Teammembers the Animations are still broken.

I am struggling with exactly the same issue. I got multiple versions of a blueprint class after I moved it to another folder in Content Browser. Now the editor keeps crashing.

How are you deleting the duplicated files? When you move something in Unreal, it creates a Redirector to tell assets that aren’t loaded where the file is now located (so it doesn’t have to open all levels/assets and update them at once). If you try and delete the file in Windows, any assets that haven’t been updated will loose there reference. You need to right click on the folder in Unreal and click Fix Redirectors to ensure all files are pointing to the new location

Thank YOU very very much, that fixed it for the hole team.