Multiple UV for same mesh

Is it possible to have 2 different UV maps on the same mesh at the same time, each of them using a separate layer?


In UE 4, static mesh can contain 8 UV channel. For selecting UV channel inside shader, you need use TextureCoordinate node and connected it to UV slot in TextureSamles node.

Ok, thanks!

Inside the shader I have know connected Texture Coordinate node to the TextureSamles nodes UV port.

But how do I change witsch UV map to use?

If I right understand your question, you want to mix several textures, which meet different UV. If yes, then you need to each node “Texture Sample”, connect your node “TextureCoordinate”. And in the “Detail” of node “TextureCoordinate”, set a needed value of parameter “Coordinate Index”. Look this docs

Great! That solved the problem.

Thanks very much!