How does rep-notification work for composite objects ?


I have this code setup (pseudo code):

class foo : UObject
	FString SharedName;

class SharedPawn : AActor
	UPROPERTY(ReplicatedUsing OnRepFunction)
	foo SharedProperties;

The replication of SharedName (when modified through a server rpc) works well but the OnRepFunction is never called.

Isn’t the modification of SharedName considered a modification of SharedProperties ?

If no, is there any function i could call to warn the engine that SharedProperties has been modified, a way of forcing replication at will so to speak, like UObject::HeyIHaveBeenModifiedDoYourJob() ?



I was wrong, the replication did not work.

I was (mis)lead to think it worked because i was creating SharedProperties using the PICP in the constructor, so i was literally working on only one object, giving an impression of replication.

When using the NewObject function i could check that the replication did not occur.

It seems that UObject are not meant to replicate.

More info here:

I am closing this one.
