Character Root Motion Cover Animation Issue

Unreal 4. So when playing a cover animation where the character backs against the wall from a normal walking animation facing the wall, with root motion enabled, the animation plays out just fine however when the animation ends the character ends up spinning back to the same orientation facing the wall. Why does this happen even with root motion enabled. Does the character’s rotation needs to be manually adjusted somehow?

So after some googling, looks like you have set up custom “movement modes” (like walking, flying, etc that exist already). So I guess what I need is something like “cover” movement mode. Has anyone done this before? Any input on how to go about this is appreciated. I am surprised that this functionality does not exist out of the box.hmm…


You must create an animMontage with your animation and check transition and rotation in the montage.

use your anim montage when you press a key for exemple.

don’ forget to write FullBody in your montage and create a slot node in your animgraph.

Thanks for your answer, I had set up everything like you have described but had no success.
I ended up using a different approach to get it to work. Here is what I ended up doing in case anyone else runs into the same issue.

  1. To stop the character from spinning back to the original orientation prior to the cover animation, you will need to modify the “locomotion” in the anim-graph. Add a “cover” state to play the cover animation and connect it to the “walking” state by adding condition based on a IsCovering variable.
  2. Next, you will need to add a “CoverWalk” state where you will need to use a blendspace to walk left and right while in cover mode. Connect the “cover” state to “CoverWalk” state by adding condition whenever speed > 0.
  3. That’s it, now the cover animation plays (no spinning back at all), then you can control the character by moving it left and right while still in cover mode.

Hopefully this will help anyone else that may have similar problem. Thanks

Hi, I’m not sure if my problem is similar to yours but I’m having trouble with disabling the root motion Rotation only.
Since the 4.6 update, it seems that this option disappeared. Do you know how to enable/disable the root motion rotation?