Make the camera in the rolling game template not pitch and yaw with the character ball?

I am trying to use the rolling game template to figure out how to make my own game, and want to divorce the camera’s pitch and yaw from the player ball while still having it follow the player at the same distance and height. If I switch the camera’s pitch, yaw and rotation to relative, the camera rolls around with the ball and is extremely disorienting. I know this is because the camera’s attached to a spring arm that’s attached to a specific point on the face of the player ball, and so when the ball rolls, the spring arm (and the camera by extension) moves with it. In short, I want to have a camera control system that’s more like Marble Blast (I’d mute this video if you watch) instead of having a camera that’s locked to facing a specific direction relative to the compass.

Hey Terence-

In the BP for the ball select the spring arm component. Then in the details panel serach for “pawn” and set “Use Pawn Control Rotation” to true. This will allow you to control the camera rotation if you have input commands set up for it. Because the camera is defaulted to a fixed position, you will have to edit the control of the ball to account for the changing camera (if you turn the camera 180 around the ball, the button to move away from the camera will now move toward the camera).


Hey Terence-

I saw the other post you mentioned and responded there as well. If you go into Edit->Project Settings and select the Input heading on the left side you can add Axis mappings for turning(MouseX) and looking up(MouseY). Then in the components tab of the ball blueprint you wan to select the camera arm and set “Use Pawn Control Rotation” to true. In the graph tab add InputAxis nodes for both the MouseX and MouseY connected to “Add Controller Input” nodes for Yaw and Pitch (respectively). To get the ball to follow the forward direction based on where the camera is looking you can modify the torque by the control rotation as shown in the following blueprint:
