How to play random multiple idle animations using montage

I have multiple idle animations that I want to randomly play during Idle, or speed = 0. I have seen that you can do this with montages, blueprints and within persona, but because I am still new to UE4, I need a detailed set of steps to follow. I also need a way for the idles to start at random moments in the animation (so that not all of my AI’s idle animations start at the same time and it looks like robots).

A related question can be found below, but I have yet to to hear a detailed answer (I deleted my comments so as to not have duplicate questions across the site).

I have been trying to figure out this problem for a couple of days now so any help would be greatly appreciative!

I setup a blueprint to count idle time by accumulating Delta Time X in the AnimBlueprint event graph anytime when speed is zero. After the idle time reaches a certain number of seconds I set a boolean value that activates a node in the AnimGraph and I reset the idle time to start counting again.

Using this method I’ve got one additional idle animation playing. It should not be difficult to advance this concept for multiple animations with variations in time and looping.

I made a blog post on this with blueprint images check it out: Blueprint for Cycling Multiple Idle Animations - Rakiz Random Rambling

Hi there guys, I was also looking for a way
to play a second Idle animation after 5 seconds of player inactivity. When I click on the link from the answer, it was no longer active or broken.