UObject properties visible in Actor's blueprint editor

I have UObject class (UNaveShield) that is a AActor’s property (ANavePawn)… I would like to edit the UNaveShield properties (not assigning an instance to the Actor’s property, but editing the NaveShield’s instance properties directly in Actor’s blueprint), like is possible using a component…

Is it only possible extending a UActorComponent?

class SPACESHOOTER2_API UNaveShield : public UObject

	UPROPERTY(Category = Attributes, BlueprintReadWrite, EditAnywhere)
	float PulseSpeedNormal;

	UPROPERTY(Category = Attributes, BlueprintReadWrite, EditAnywhere)
	float PulseSpeedActive;

	UPROPERTY(Category = Attributes, BlueprintReadWrite, EditAnywhere)
	float OpacityMultiplierNormal;

	inline int32& GetEnergyRemain();
	void StartShieldEffects();

class SPACESHOOTER2_API ANavePawn : public APawn

	UPROPERTY(Category = Collision, VisibleAnywhere, BlueprintReadOnly)
	TSubobjectPtr<class UBoxComponent> CollisionComponent;

        UPROPERTY(Category = "Shield", Instanced, BlueprintReadOnly)
	class UNaveShield* CurrentShield;

When i tried to compile using EditInline, i received a warning that this is deprecated and to use the Instanced instead… but it worked out after i used ConstructObject to instance the UObject and changed the reference in the blueprint property from none to NaveShield’s instance created in the c++

Thanks for help me anyway

I believe you want to mark the property EditInline to enable this functionality.