How can I call a Blueprint function inside C++ code?

How could I call a Blueprint function from a C++ code?
After an event in C++ cod I need to call a Blueprint function to show a dialog. I know I should use a BP “add to viewport” function, but how to call this from C++?
Any answers will be great!
Thank you!

To call a blueprint function from c++ you need to get a UBlueprint pointer in the constructor of the class you want to call from then later call the FindFunction on that which will return a UFunction pointer. You will have to manualy set the properties then ProcessEvent with the UFunction. There should be some examples online if you look for them.

Where can I find examples?

Can you point me to the right manual of this subject? Thanks!

Here is an example from the First Person Shooter C++ Tutorial from epic:

static ConstructorHelpers::FObjectFinder<UBlueprint> PlayerPawnObject(TEXT("Blueprint'/Game/Blueprints/BP_FPSCharacter.BP_FPSCharacter'"));
   if (PlayerPawnObject.Object != NULL)
       DefaultPawnClass = (UClass*)PlayerPawnObject.Object->GeneratedClass;

The ContructorHelpers::FObjectFinder is helpfull to find Blueprints. In this example it finds the


So you need the exact folder structure and BP Name. After that, the if checks if the UObject is not NULL and saves it’s Class by Casting the GeneratedClass to a basic UClass. I guess that could help you :X

With that pointer you can cache the result of FindFunction then call ProcessEvent on the blueprint pointer with your cached UFunction*. nullptr for no properties, or set whichever properties your blueprint node needs.

With that said, the recommended approach is really to do it the other way around. link text

I think the C++ tutorial on youtube by epic does something like this so check it out.

I’m using a Puzzle Template and here DefaultPawnClass is NULL

It is just an example. You can use this to find any available Blueprint. This here is searching for the “BP_FPSCharacter”. You just need to change this to the BP you want to have a pointer to.

This Class hasn’t a visual asset, therefore it doesn’t load anything like:

I made :
UFunction *func = FindFunction(TEXT(“ShowWin”));
ProcessEvent(func, nullptr);

but it’s not work