Orthographic camera projection


This might be a silly question, but I was wondering if there is an option to set camera for orthographic projection. I imagine it is possible because of flappy bird type game demo’d by Epic during GDC, but I just wanted to confirm.

Also, would there be any “gotchas” to watch out for that are specific to UE4’s architecture in regards to making 2D games built out of sprites as textured quads?


Awesome thanks!

Hey rattasak,

You can change a Camera Actor’s Projection Mode in Details panel. With Camera Actor selected, look for Details > Camera Settings > Projection Mode and choose Orthographic.

Hope that helps!

So Ortho is finally an option in UE? Awesome. This might come in handy when making a 2d projected game but with 3d lighting and 3d world (similar to “Fez” or “In Shadows” where they actually used Voxel graphics)