Unreal Engine 4.6 Preview Graphical Tearing and Gameplay Pause

Using Unreal Engine 4.6 Preview now downloaded from the launcher and getting severe graphical tearing along with a volume or collision issue.

It maybe related to pre-computed volumes, but it temporarily stops rendering when it happens and you lose input for awhile as if game has been paused temporarily then resumed.

The problem also seems to effect the new Unreal Tournament, area’s effected are not fully rendered for a bit.

The problem takes place while entering a pre-computed visibility volume.


I’ve been trying to replicate this issue, but I am not able to see the same results. Have you been able to reproduce this in a blank/template project or example projects from the marketplace excluding Unreal Tournament. The easier the repro I can more quickly narrow down what’s going on and get a report in.

Thank you!


Others have mentioned the problem while playing Unreal Tournament, I noticed it too while in the game and then when I went into editor for my own level project and noticed the same exact tearing in my own level. I’ll try and investigate a few of the Marketplace demo’s and see if they also are effected.

Ok, due to bandwidth constraints I only tested a few of the 4.5.1, I’d need to download the latest samples and the Unreal Engine 4.6 is not fully released as it’s in Preview right now and no complete Unreal Engine 4.6 Marketplace content versions are available to download, the Marketplace samples I tested didn’t seem to have the problem. But I did manage to capture a video showing some of it in level I rebuilt, this is DM_StorageArea02 map mainly BSP, I separated this from Unreal Tournament creating a new copy so it’s not using any of the UT files, here’s the Youtube video, it shows the transparent areas that show: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1v81IEacvV8

In this older video of the original level featuring UT content, I don’t notice any tearing happening, so you can see what I mean: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kxm5Ud5gZuw

This looks like your mesh is occluding. Try increasing the Static mesh Bounds scale via the details panel for that wall.


I was using BSP brushes. I converted the BSP into static meshes and will have to test further ASAP, I did notice in an official Unreal Engine video featuring the new Mixamo information the recent Unreal Engine TwitchTV video shows graphical tearing and a very similar flickering, such as at 15:02 minutes:

This guy is also having an issue which may be related but with GPU particles disappearing:

I don’t think this is related to GPU particles issues you’ve referenced above. I am still unable to reproduce this on my end. Have you had any luck reproducing this outside of the UT 4.6 branch? Are you able to reproduce this with in any other way?

As a test, create a copy of your level and convert all the BSP to Static Meshes. There are known issues with too many BSPs in a level as well.



If it was related to the occlusion when the camera is moved it might be impacting the GPU particles and even text surfaces too if it’s occluding geometry these particles and text is drawn on, which looks like what’s happening in some video’s people have posted as of 4.6 showing when the camera is moved when at a certain distance from the objects. It looks like it’s affecting the BSP brushes mostly though and could be related to what you mentioned, I’m trying to confirm this now.

I converted some walls and ceilings to static meshes and I didn’t notice the issue on the walls after conversion but experienced a severe brightening of the surfaces and light bleeding which is probably unrelated. Walking towards the staircase before entering corridor will pause the camera sometimes when moving forward for a second and when camera faces the stairs and I move towards them weird shadowing and bleeding appears on the now static mesh walls that comes and goes. Still trying to isolate this while determining if it is causing other issues. I’ve redone the lighting as well lowering the number of lights and I’ve removed all pre-computed visibility volumes now, it is improved but I wouldn’t consider it fixed.

Thank you for continuing to work with me on this.

When the guy in the UE4 GPU Emitter Bug video moves his camera the particles disappear, when I do the samething with the camera the portions of the BSP geometry in my level disappears looking like you saw in my video, which is why I felt it may be related.

Ok, level has been rebuilt to just BSP and it looks like in this video the graphical flashing white, also displayed is the active frame rate for reference: - YouTube

I’m done doing rebuild and gonna convert to complete static meshes now and add collision.

Maybe it’s something with camera near far clipping planes?

Hi Kurt,

I was able to get this to happen. It’s not a bug though but just rather the engine occlusion culling as I had original stated. With BSP this will happen more so than with a static mesh. I would recommend converting all BSP to static meshes when you get to a point where you feel they are ready to be.

As a temporary work around for the engines optimizations you can disable occlusion culling to keep from seeing this. While this may work okay while you’re building I would not recommend disabling it for final release. You can disable occlusion culling by opening the project settings > Rendering > Occlusion Culling.

Thank you!


Hi Tim, looks like that’s it right there! I just wish we were able to get this information sooner. I turned off Occlusion Culling like you said and it works as expected after that.

I’ve taken longer to research new tools (which also have bugs Allegorithmic, World Machine, and Mixamo for instance) I’ve acquired to create higher quality content for future Unreal Tournament, for my own games and possibly content releases, so yeah, with the end of the year coming to a close soon and the holidays and trying to cram as much info as possible, I admit this totally freaked me out on the rendering end.

I know you can understand why it would be a problem, as it gives undesirable graphical appearance that appears glitchy while playing a game but also while creating levels.

Haven’t tested in the Unreal Engine 4.7 Preview 1 yet but will immediately after install and I get some rest, it still does it in 4.6.1 though.

That one little checkbox! lol


I’m also back to using Blender more now so in a way I have you to thank for that.