Forum Thread Title Changes Do Not Register

#Why is this important?

Because I frequently update the total number of tutorials in the Thread Title as I make new ones and want others to know about it.

and it has never been an issue in previous forums so I dont feel that I am asking for much :slight_smile:

Dear Friends at Epic,

I tried changing the title of my thread, and it only updates once you open the thread to edit it in Advanced mode

This was not an issue with any other UE forum.

I changed

#[26 New Tutorials]


#[26 UE4 C++ Tutorials]

#The Difference

If you go into the forum you will see the old title,

not the title you see if you are me, trying to update the thread in Advanced mode.

#As the creator I see the new version!



When I go to Advanced edits to my thread, the correct title shows up,

but it is never updated to the public.

#Why is this important?

Because I frequently update the total number of tutorials as I make new ones and want others to know about it.


I was able to reproduce this error. I have created a report and assigned it to our forum specialist. Please let me know if you encounter any additional issues with the forums or answerhub.

Thank you!

Thanks !



Okay, thanks for taking the time !






I have talked about this to our forum crew and title editing is behaving as expected. Unfortunately, on these forums your thread topic is tied to the URL and can cause issues if changed, so it had been restricted. You can still change the threads sub-title, which is the β€œTitle” field that you were seeing before. I hope this helps you with your thread for your tutorials.