Missing lighting Oculus

Hi guys,

My project turned off the lights in Oculus mode.
Normal mode works fine, but as soon as I go into Oculus mode the lighting is gone,
it seems like only translucent objects are lit.

EDIT: When i look at places where there are no objects the light
‘switches on and off’ very quickly.

I did a memreport and the materials take up the most memory; about 440MB.
I have a gtx760 and 12GB’s of ram, and get a steady 75 fps.

Does anyone have a clue what’s going on?


Hi BdeJong,

Which Oculus are you using, DK1 or DK2? And what version of Oculus SDK are you currently using?

Also, could you post a copy of your dxdiag as well? If you are on Windows you can find it by typing ‘dxdiag’ into the search bar on the Start Menu.

Hi TJ,

I’m using the DK2, and updated the SDK to 0.4.3 after your answer.
I also checked my firmware and it seems to be up to date.
Updating didn’t help, the problem still persists.

Here’s my dxdiag:


Your Windows and Nvidia drivers are all up to date, so your setup shouldn’t be causing the issue. Are you using any sort of Subsurface Materials?

Also, what types of lights are you using in your level (Static, Stationary, Dynamic)?

There were some subsurface materials, but removing them didn’t help.
I have 1 dynamic pointlight, 2 stationary pointlights and a skylight.
The standard directional light is turned off.

I haven’t been able to reproduce your results so far. Do you mind sending me a link by Private Message on the Forums to download your project so we can test it in-house? Googledrive or Dropbox is preferred if they are available to you.


I just uploaded it and have sent you the link.

Hi BdeJong,

Sorry for the delay, we’ve just had our Thanksgiving holiday. I have downloaded your project and will be looking into the issue. I’ll post back here as soon as I have something.

I’ve noticed that when ran through the Oculus, everything pops in correctly at :56 seconds in. Then at 1:10 the lighting & materials pop out again. At both times the Console Command outputs ‘Unhidden’.

I believe it is an issue with the Uranus portion of the Level Blueprint. When it is disconnected the pop-in and pop-out do not happen. I’ve looked through that section and I didn’t see anything right off that should cause this issue. I’ll keep looking too but hopefully this will put you on the right path of where to look for the bug.

I didn’t spot that, nice clue!
It seems to be the comment ‘Uranus cutOut’. The print fires when a toggle visibility is executed for a skeletal mesh.
I also can’t really find anything that could cause this. The mesh is no different than a comparable mesh that does exactly the same thing within the first ‘dark’ minute.

I have to leave work in a minute, so I’ll have to take a look at it tomorrow.
I really appreciate your effort here, it definitely puts me on a path!

I have found the culprit! The Uranus material was somehow subsurface, like you suggested in the first place :slight_smile: It didn’t show in the visualize screen somehow, so I didn’t notice it.

At the moment of the print you refer to, the subsurface material is changed to a non subsurface material an the light switches on. Then 12 seconds later, it is changed back and the lighting goes off again.

Does this mean that subsurface materials and the Oculus don’t go together, or is there something specific about my scene that causes this?

Nice! I’m glad you got it working!

It has to do with the Oculus architecture and the way that UE4 render subsurface materials. We are currently working with the Oculus devs on this very issue and we hope to have it working in a future release.

Here is another user asking about this. Once it is corrected it will most likely be posted there.

Good luck with the rest of you project.



I’ll keep an eye on it. Thanks for your answer and help!