Error! No version information received

Hi, I started facing this issue again while starting the launcher… I haven’t done any major updates today. The only difference before and after was the addition of the Sci-fi Hallway scene plus the UE4 RTS Project from GitHub into my Unreal Projects Folder. I have very slow internet speed here. So I just want to know if this is a server side problem before uninstalling and going through the whole download process again. As mentioned earlier in one of the earlier cases of this issue, I have taken a zip file of the logs and attached below. link text

Hi Stormrage256,

This might be a server-side error, as we are currently working to address some issues with our subscription services. I am not currently aware of the full scope of the issue, and whether it is affecting Launcher logins, but it may be best to wait until we resolve our issues before taking any further action.

A forum post with additional information is available here.

Sorry for the troubles.

Cool, thanks for the prompt reply man. Appreciate that. :slight_smile:

No problem.

Our subscription services are operational again, so you can restart the Launcher and check if you are still having the issue.

If you are…you may have already looked at the Launcher Troublshooting guide, but if not, then I suggest you try some of the potential solutions. A new, community-hosted Unreal Engine Wiki - Announcements - Unreal Engine Forums

Let us know if the issue is still ongoing, and what you have already tried, and we will dig deeper into the logs.


I’ve gone through all the solutions in the trouble shooting guide. It’s still giving the same error. I’m able to go into the editor and launch my projects, but I can’t download anything from the marketplace. I’ve attached a verbose log of the latest launch with this.
link text

Hi Stormrage256,

These are your standard Log files, the Verbose Logs will usually be much larger than the standard logs and they will actually contain the word ‘Verbose’ if you word search them.

Make sure to follow the steps exactly to generate the Verbose Logs.

  • Navigate to this location:

  • C:\Program Files\Unreal Engine\Launcher\Engine\Programs\NoRedist\UnrealEngineLauncher\Config
    or for newer users, this location:
    C:\Program Files\Epic Games\Launcher\Engine\Programs\NoRedist\UnrealEngineLauncher\Config

  • Open the file DefaultEngine.ini into Notepad.

  • At the very end, add the following:

  • Save the file and make sure that it saves successfully with the changes.

  • Then, run the Launcher until it gives you the error message.

  • Close the Launcher again, and navigate to this folder location:

  • If you open the most recent log in the list, it should have a lot of information inside of it.

  • Place this log in a Zip file and attach it to your AnswerHub report.

  • After you have provided the logs, re-open the DefaultEngine.ini file, remove the lines you added, and Save. This will restore it to default logging and not generate such large files.

Hi TJ, I’ve made the log again with the added lines. I think I’ve got the verbose log this time. It’s much bigger than the earlier ones. Here’s the zip text

That’s the one, thanks! We will be looking into this issue asap.

Hey, the problem seems to be fixed now. I’ve tried opening the launcher a few times, it’s been loading without any troubles. I’m able to download content as well. :smiley:

The issue has come up again. I’ll wait for a few hours and see if it gets back to normal.

Edit: It still persists. As of now, I’m getting this error everytime at launch.

Edit: Things are back to normal now after I shut down my system for a while. If you haven’t made any changes to server side, I’m guessing that maybe some event or crash in the editor might be prompting this issue later on.

We are glad it’s back working again. We looked through your Verbose Logs and it looks like it was registering your password as being incorrect. If the issue pops up again, just make sure that you are 100% certain that the password you are entering is correct. If it is, please check for any popups or anything that may contain a message or error codes and post them here.