Does NavMesh Volume supports Paper2D collision boxes?

I am building a 2D-3D hybrid game using Paper2D sprite. Game environment in Paper2D sprite and characters are 3D models.

I want to move a flying/walking AI character to Player character.

I am trying to achieve this by placing a ‘Nav Mesh Bounds Volume’ and ‘character blueprint’ (AI Character) actor to the level, then using ‘Simple Move to Actor’, but nothing is happening.

Note : Nav Mesh volumes is not showing any green or red area as-well.

Please suggest me what should I do to achieve my requirement.

Hi ,

You need to make sure to increase the Collision Thickness of your sprite. By defaut it is 100, if you increase it to something like 500 and rebuild you navmesh it will show up correctly.



I tried what you say but i dont get any nav mesh area… nothing change! What could be?

Hi ale929,

It could be a few different things.

  • Make sure to build your level

  • Use the ‘P’ key in the editor to toggle the navmesh so you can see it

  • Make sure that the Collision on the sprite is set correctly

If you are still unable to get this working, I suggest creating a new report in the Using UE4 section.



I just ran into a similar issue. Although, everything is 2D for my project. It looks like the minimum Y value for the navmesh is 77 units. Anything less and the green area disappears.

It’s worth noting that increasing the collision extrusion setting had no effect. I set mine back to 100 and the navmesh works as long as it at least 77 units along the Y axis.