UE4 not launching (from launcher)

So, From launcher I click launch on my 4.5.1 install…

…and nothing happens. It appears in process list, but never shows up as a program, and no errors appear. It just does nothing.

I have reinstalled it and Im not under minimum spec. There are also not logs in any of folders, So why problem?

Hey bidbagle,

It’s possible there’s something wrong with your Launcher installation. Did you reinstall launcher or just engine?

To test your engine (bypassing launcher), try running UE4Editor.exe, located by default at C:\Program Files\Unreal Engine\4.5\Engine\Binaries\Win64 . If editor opens and runs normally, that means problem is with your launcher.

Yeah, I tried that before and it didn’t work… Now it is? Weird, but thanks anyway.

Hi birdbagle,

Just to clarify, are you able to run 4.5.1 from your Launcher now?

Yes I am, Maybe it was just a couple of restarts it needed?

Strange, but maybe. Let us know if this happens again, and if so, try opening it without Launcher to help us narrow down which is causing problem. I’ll go ahead and close this post for now. Glad you got it running!

If something went wrong there should be at least an error message. This is poorly tested or non-existent interface interaction with user. Also I can´t find any support and having seen that it’s quite likely that UE has many other similar issues. What can I say… free products…