Reimporting textures and default sizes


I have image which was just imported as texture for UI without mipmaps. Size 32x32

I’m using it in UserWidget just to place regular image on canvas and setting my imported texture for brush. UE4 sets image size to 32x32. That’s ok. Now I’m reimporting this image with another size 48x48 and expecting that this size would be changed in all UserWidgets where I have used this texture.

But not.

Hi ,

UMG treats the reimport/import process separately from the UMG widgets. This is expected behavior as the widget components are scaled manually instead of automatically when a change occurs.

Hi, !

Thank you for the answer. As I already mentioned: I didn’t change any sizes manually. They were seted automatically by UMG. So, as you said, after reimporting I’m expecting that image sizes will be changed automatically too. But they don’t.

Hi ,

To clarify, do you mean the widget holding the image should increase in size or just the texture without affecting the size of the actual widget?


I’m expcting next behaviour after reimporting: all widgets, which used that image for brush, should be resized (actual size on canvas) and in parameters of using that texture (for example Image size parameter of brush in Image widget) should be changed to new value (was 32x32, shold be seted to 48x48, for example).

Hi ,

I am putting in a feature request to be assessed by the development staff for Widgets to automatically update based on reimported texture sizes.

Thank you,